ALCE | Accademia Lingue e Culture Europee

Italian PLUS Culture

Italian through passion! Choose from ART, HISTORY or LITERATURE option

This Italian ‘Plus’ Course combines our highly popular General Italian intensive Course with an exciting range of cultural and educational subjects such as history, literature, & art. Getting you involved, this unique add-on programme will give you an even broader understanding of the Italian language at a deeper cultural level.

26 to 29 hours per week

Programmes are tailor made deepening on the participants' wishes. You learn in action through passion as many of the lessons are done outside, visiting YOUR places of Interest.

If, beyond learning Italian in Italy and a full immersion study abroad stay, you also want an advanced cultural experience in Bologna, you can choose this unique programmme

Bologna is perfectly situated to offer Italian language students easy access to the beautiful and historically important treasures of North Italy.

The city of Bologna itself is a result of magical and alchemic mixture of art and culture. Famous sites and places of historical and cultural interest are literally on our door step, which is great for students wanting to relax after a hard day's studying. We wish to welcome you to Bologna, and give you the opportunity to discover a city steeped in history and culture

The programme is based upon modules of 12 hours and the schedule is quite flexible* our standard scheme is:

• 6 meetings (courses and/or visits
• 2 hours each*
• all visits and lessons are held by our experienced teachers graduated in “literature and history of the art

NB: *if you are planning to stay more than 2 weeks, we can easily spread the 12 hour modules on more weeks. On the other hand, if some visits are longer, we can make longer meetings (3 hours or more).

Course fact file:

  • 18 years old+
  • 2 week-course (modules spreads in 4 weeks if wished)
  • Level: A2+ (pre-intermediate+)
  • 20 hours of General Italian + 6 hours of courses and culture visits focused per week
  • 9 AM-1:15 PM + 2-4 PM x 3 times per week
  • 8 maximum per class
  • Starting dates: any Monday

Dates & Fees and/or Apply now

2-week-sample programme:

City in the Middle Ages: 1st
The figure of St. Petronius and St. Stephen's Basilica. Look at the background to the inciden of the capture of King Enzo.
Literature: Guininzelli, Dante and Petrarch

University: 2nd
From the birth of law studies to the Archiginnasio and the Academy of Sciences. The history of students of the Alma Mater Studiorum (1088 AC)

The Lordships: 3rd
The Pepoli and Bentivoglio families. Architecture: The Pepoli Building, the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore

Francesco I and Carlo V: 4th
Carlo V was crowned as emperor in Bologna and his figure is linked to the Basilica of San Petronio and the Town Hall. From the XVI century, with the Carracci brothers, Guercino, G. Reni the arts developed rapidly. The figure of Pope Gregory XIII

Bologna, the European revolutions and Napoleon: 5th
Napoleon's troops arrived in 1797. The famous art gallery La Pinacoteca was founded in 1802 as a result of Napoleon’s cultural reform

Bologna, Risorgimento: 6th
The revolts of 1831 and 1848. In 1860 the town became part of the Kingdom of Savoy.
In Broccaindosso street, at number 21, a pomegranate tree - the ancient “poetryplant” - can still be seen. Part of the Carducci House is now home to the Renaissance Museum